Upon rerender, React fails to refresh the style changes

I am encountering an issue with my React component where the visibility and position can be changed by the user.

Currently, the visibility can be toggled by adding or removing a CSS class, while the position is adjusted through a function that updates the top and left values after a Drag & Drop interaction.

The problem arises when React fails to update the style upon rerendering the component for visibility changes.

class MoveableCard extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <div className={(this.props.isVisible ? '' : 'hide')}
                    draggable="true" onDragStart={dragStart}
                    style={{top:'initial', left:'initial'}}>

function dragStart(event) {
    var style = window.getComputedStyle(event.target, null)
    event.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", JSON.stringify({
        x:(parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("left"),10) - event.clientX),
        y:(parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("top"),10) - event.clientY)
function dragOver(event) {
    return false
function drop(event) {
    let data = JSON.parse(event.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain"))
    let el = document.querySelectorAll("[data-reactid='" + data.id + "']")[0]

    el.style.left = (event.clientX + parseInt(data.x, 10)) + 'px'
    el.style.top = (event.clientY + parseInt(data.y, 10)) + 'px'

    return false

Initially, the Card's style shows

style="top: initial; left: initial;"

After being moved, the style changes to style="top: 162px; left: 320px;".

However, when the Card is hidden using the class hide, the style remains the same style="top: 162px; left: 320px;", despite attempts to reset it.

I am looking for a solution to force React to update the style accordingly or explore alternative methods to achieve this functionality.

Answer №1


Utilize inner state and the component lifecycle for handling event functions.

Detailed Explanation:

It is advisable to place event handlers within the component itself rather than using global methods. Here is an example of setting up event handlers inside a React component:

class MoveableCard extends React.Component {
  dragStart(event) {}
  dragOver(event) {}
  drop(event) {}

To ensure proper binding of 'this' context in the component, you can bind the event handler functions in the constructor or use arrow functions within the render method:

constructor() {
  this.dragStart = this.dragStart.bind(this);
  this.dragOver = this.dragOver.bind(this);
  this.drop = this.drop.bind(this);

In order to update or re-render the component, you should modify its inner state. Initialize the state with default values during componentWillMount:

componentWillMount() {
  this.state = { top: 0, left: 0 };

Within the event handlers, update the top and left properties on the inner state using this.setState, which will trigger a re-render:

drop() {
   // Assuming you have set this.left and this.top in the dragOver method
   this.setState({ top: this.top, left: this.left });

After updating the state, you can access the updated values in your render method like this:

render() {
  return (
    <div className={(this.props.isVisible ? '' : 'hide')}
         style={{top: this.state.top, left: this.state.left}}>

Answer №2

After considering the insights provided by Andrew, dejakob, and Chris, I have managed to come up with a solution - a big thank you to all of you :)

Initially, I was under the impression that I couldn't move the Functions into the Component because the Drop Event with the final position was emitted by the element where I dropped my Card, not by the Card itself.

However, I discovered a dragend Event that is emitted by the Card itself and contains the position information.

Using this event, I could easily set the position in the state (and remove it via a ref to unsetPosition in the parent component).

class MoveableCard extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            styles: {top:'initial', left:'initial'}
        this.drop = this.drop.bind(this);

    dragStart(e) {
        let style = window.getComputedStyle(e.target, null)

        this.setState({l: parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("left")) - e.clientX, y: parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("top")) - e.clientY})

    drop(e) {
        this.setState({left: this.state.l + e.clientX, top: this.state.y + e.clientY})

        return false

    unsetPosition() {
       this.setState({styles: {top:'initial', left:'initial'}})

    render() {
        return <div className={(this.props.isVisible ? '' : 'hide')}

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