The CSS method for changing the content URL is experiencing difficulties in Firefox


.woocommerce-placeholder.wp-post-image {
    content: url("DSC0926-1.jpg");

/*for firefox*/
.woocommerce-placeholder.wp-post-image::before {
    content: url("DSC0926-1.jpg");


<img src="placeholder.png" alt="Placeholder" class="woocommerce-placeholder wp-post-image" scale="0" width="100" height="100">

I have been attempting to update the placeholder image using CSS. Although it is successful in Chrome and Safari, the ::before workaround I applied for Firefox appears to be ineffective. What could be causing this discrepancy?

P.S. Despite exploring various solutions such as using :after and modifying

content: ''; background: url('DSC0926-1.jpg');
instead of altering content URL, none of these methods have proven to be successful.

Answer №1

One reason for this behavior could be

The pseudo-elements created using ::before and ::after are contained within the element's formatting box, which means they do not affect replaced elements like <img>, or <br> elements.

Referenced from:

According to the W3C specification,

Note: The current specification does not fully define how :before and :after interact with replaced elements (like IMG in HTML). This will be addressed more specifically in a future version of the specification.

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