Resize the shape of an image's polygon

Is there a way to independently scale a specific polygon of an image on hover?

For example, I have a world map and I would like to enlarge a country when hovering over it, then return it to its original size when no longer hovering.

I am familiar with using transform: scale(2) in CSS for scaling images, but I specifically want to target only a portion of the map, such as a polygon or square shape.

Is there a method to achieve this effect? It doesn't necessarily need to be done with CSS alone, JavaScript/jQuery solutions are also welcome.

The hover functionality is simple to implement with jQuery, my main question is how to selectively scale a particular section of an image. Any help is appreciated!

Answer №1

Last night was quite noisy, so I decided to create something fun to play with. This is just a rough implementation where I take the hovered part of an image and display it next to the original.

Your task is to: (0) Display the image larger than its actual size (1) Position it in front of the original using absolute positioning and z-index (2) Handle mouseout on the hovered area.

The answer linked in the comments showcases how to position elements, set their z-order, and pass pointer events to underlying map elements.

You'll need to determine where and how you want the enlarged version to appear. Maybe you'd like it at 150% size with the center point aligned with the map element's center point.

As mentioned in the comments, it's better to use an existing image rather than creating one from scratch as I've done here.

First, here's the complete source code - simply copy everything and paste it into a new HTML file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
// Source Code Goes Here

Now, there's a working demo below for you to try out right on this page (go full screen for a better experience).

// JavaScript code goes here
// CSS code goes here
<!-- HTML code goes here -->

Answer №2

If I had the chance, each country would have its unique image that could be resized when hovered over. Image effects can be tricky to implement with JS/jQuery/CSS, so a good alternative would be to explore libraries that can assist you in achieving this effect.

One possible solution is to check out Pieces, which offers a variety of image effects for customization.

Alternatively, you could consider using canvas or svg to draw your map and make it interactive through JavaScript programming.

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