The contents are not visible when using <h> and <p> tags

As I am embarking on creating a whimsical art profile just for the pleasure of it, I've already got a banner and a navbar set up. However, when I tried to enter some text:

Welcome to my art profile. This online gallery showcases all of my creative works from previous years.

I encountered an issue where the text wasn't displaying on the page.

After reviewing the padding of my instructions and navbar, it seems like neither of them are causing any obstruction. These are the only two elements I've inserted into the code. I simply want the text to be visible on the page.

Answer №1

First things first, remember to enclose your code within three backticks (`). When I took a look at the code you provided, this is what I found:

<div id="main-content">
    <h>Welcome to my art profile. This profile contains all my artworks from the previous years.</h>

Additionally, <h> is not a valid tag. You probably meant to use <h1>, <h2>, etc.

Here is the corrected version of your code:

<div id="main-content">
    <h1>Welcome to my art profile. This profile contains all my artworks from the previous years.</h1>

Lastly, if you're sure there isn't much affecting your HTML, please share the entire code. The presence of an "id" attribute named "main-content" suggests that a certain portion of your code might be causing the issue with the text not displaying correctly.

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