Overruled fashion

Here is the HTML code from my custom page:

<div class="notes quotes-notification member-savings f-left">
<h2>My Notifications</h2>
<li><b>I need to make some changes in the HTML, different from other pages you have worked on regarding your account.</li>
<li>An <a href="#">answer has been posted</a> to a question you submitted.</li>
<li>A shop responded to a <a href="#">review you posted</a>.</li>

The quotes-notification and member-savings classes have distinct CSS styles as follows:

.member-savings {
    width: 19%;
    margin-right: 1.6%; 
    border: 2px solid #0c86c9;
    width: 32%; 

Although I want the Notification block to be 32% wide, it currently takes up only 19% due to conflict with the specified width. Is there a way to ignore the 19% width without removing the member-savings class?

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, one method is to use !important with width:32%;. However, this approach is not generally recommended. Another option is to increase the specificity of the CSS declaration for quotes-notification. For example, instead of:

    width: 32%; 

You could try something like:

body div.quotes-notification {
    width: 32%; 

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