The background image on my website isn't showing up once it's been deployed via GitHub

I've tried various solutions to fix the issue at hand, but unfortunately, none of them seem to be effective. I double-checked the image path directory and confirmed that it is accurate. Even after uploading both png and jpg files, the problem persists. Strangely enough, the website functions perfectly on my local server but encounters difficulties on Github. To view the website repository on Github pages, please visit:

Answer №1

Your web files may not be properly set up on GitHub. If you're looking to host on GitHub, this document provides step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process.

Answer №2

Have you considered organizing your images into a dedicated Images folder? You could also create a separate CSS folder for custom stylesheets and update the src in your index.html file. After that, consider creating a new repository on Github to ensure everything is organized properly. Following these steps may be beneficial for you.

If you still encounter issues, I recommend consulting this resource for additional guidance - Github Pages Guide

Answer №3

If you're looking to update the path for cshop3.jpg, simply switch out url('/cshop3.jpg'); with url('./cshop3.jpg') on line 213 of your styles.css file.

- url('/cshop3.jpg');
+ url('./cshop3.jpg'); <- Make sure to include the "." before the slash, or remove the slash

To ensure you're directing to the correct directory, add the "." before the slash or remove it altogether (You initially used /cshop3.jpg, which points to the root of your site at rather than )

Answer №4

Update the configuration in your style.css file to include the following image path: ('./cshop3.jpg')

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