The class name feature on the Drawer component is malfunctioning

React and material-ui are my tools of choice, but I've hit a roadblock. I'm attempting to define some custom CSS behavior for the drawer component, using the className property as recommended. However, despite following the instructions, it's not functioning as expected.

This is the CSS code I've implemented:

.drawer {
    width: 200px

.drawer:hover {
    background-color: black

And here is how I'm integrating the drawer in my code:

<Drawer open={this.state.isLeftNavOpen}
                        <MenuItem primaryText='Men'
                                  onTouchTap={() => browserHistory.push({pathname: '/products', query: {category: MEN}})}/>
                        <MenuItem primaryText='Women'
                                  onTouchTap={() => browserHistory.push({pathname: '/products', query: {category: WOMEN}})}/>
                        <MenuItem primaryText='Kids'
                                  onTouchTap={() => browserHistory.push({pathname: '/products', query: {category: KIDS}})}/>

I have even tried wrapping the Drawer with a div element, but have had no luck resolving the issue.

Any insights on where I might be going wrong?

Answer №1

It appears that the library is indeed adding the className, but the issue you are experiencing seems to stem from material-ui directly applying styles to the element, which take precedence over those in the class you added. While waiting for the library to address this, there are a few options available:

1) Inline the width and styles using the style and/or width properties: (fiddle)

<Drawer open={this.state.isLeftNavOpen}
    style={{'background-color': 'black'}}

However, this method doesn't support :hover styling, and the current inline styling solution by the library may change soon (refer to issue 1951 and related threads). As of now, the most effective solution to your specific issue is:

2) Declare the styles in the css file as !important to override those provided by the library on the element: (fiddle)

.drawer {
    width: 200px !important;

.drawer:hover {
    background-color: black !important;

You can also combine these approaches by passing the width as a prop and making only the hover background style as !important.

(The fiddles use LeftNav instead of Drawer because it was easier to work with at the time due to its availability in the material-ui package. More information can be found in this comment).

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