Using the CSS property `transform:scale(2,2)` causes an image to suddenly appear in the

Currently utilizing Joomla 3.3, I am seeking to enlarge an image on mouseover.

The html code for the image is as follows:

<img class="enlarge" style="float: right; margin: 10px; border: 5px solid black;" title="Chapter 1: Physical Differences" src="images/chapters/chapter-1-physical-differences.jpg" alt="Chapter 1: Physical Differences" width="311" height="390" />

To trigger the enlargement effect on mouseover, I have incorporated the following CSS code:

.enlarge:hover {
    transform-origin:0 0;

While this solution works effectively, a small issue arises where the enlarged image appears under another smaller image located on the right side of the page. Despite attempting to adjust the z-index property, the desired outcome was not achieved.

Previous state:

On Mouseover:

Answer №1

The z-index property does not impact elements with a display value of static. It seems like the problem you are facing is due to the order in which your floated image and smaller image are added to the document, causing one to always be positioned behind the other.

To address this issue, you may need to consider the following solutions:

  1. Change the order of insertion so that the smaller image comes before the larger one.
  2. Hide the smaller image when the larger image is hovered over by the mouse.
  3. Adjust the positioning of the smaller image using something like display: absolute and a lower z-index value.
  4. Implement workarounds such as removing and re-adding the smaller image after the document has loaded to alter its default stacking order.
  5. Remove the float property from the larger image so that it expands and pushes the smaller image beneath it.

These are some possible solutions that come to mind at the moment. :-)

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