Unlock the secret: Using Javascript and Protractor to uncover the elusive "hidden" style attribute

My website has a search feature that displays a warning message when invalid data, such as special characters, is used in the search.

Upon loading the page, the CSS initially loads like this:

<div class="searchError" id="isearchError" style="display: none;">

When entering invalid text and hitting the search button, the above code changes to: display: block; opacity: …; and it also triggers the display of

<div class="marker"></div>
along with an error message.

I attempted using the following code snippet:

var styleValue = element(by.id('ideliveryareaerror')).getCssValue('style');
but ended up with a complex tree structure of the element.

Here's an example of my code:

        var styleValue = element(by.id('isearchError')).getCssValue('style');

What I aim to achieve is:

  • Retrieve the value of the style attribute (Expected to be none)
  • Trigger enter key press with invalid input
  • Retrieve the value of the style attribute (Expected to be block)
  • Fetch the content of the error message

Screenshot of my code:

Answer №1

When you use getCssValue('style'), what you really need is getCssValue('display'). The getCssValue function retrieves the CSS value, not an HTML attribute. (I am not familiar with protractor, but the method names caught my attention.)

To clarify:

var searchError = element(by.id('isearchError'));
expect(getCssValue('display')).toBe(''); // This could also be 'block' or another value

Answer №2

Have you attempted using the isDisplayed method provided by protractor?
If you want to check if the element is displayed or not, you can use this approach:

expect(element(by.id('ideliveryareaerror')).isDisplayed()).toBe(true);  // (or false)  

Furthermore, when using getCssValue, you are dealing with a promise that needs to be resolved, which is why it may not work properly with a simple console.log.
In such cases, you should do it like this:

var styleValue = element(by.id('isearchError')).getCssValue('style')
    .then( function(style) {

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