The class "Accordion" is not recognized by the local Bootstrap 5 installation

Currently, I am trying to implement a vertically collapsing Accordion using the Bootstrap 5 documentation found at

Even though I have installed the library with libman, Visual Studio 2019 is showing an editor warning for the main class "Accordion": "Unknown CSS class: 'accordion'".

Out of all the classes in Bootstrap 5, this seems to be the only one causing issues for me.

If you have any insights on why this might be happening, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

It seems that the reason for this is because Bootstrap does not actually utilize it as a CSS class. By examining the CDN source code, you will discover that there is no reference to ".accordion " (with a space after), but instead, there are 31 instances of .accordion-* for the styles of child elements.
Moreover, after analyzing the bootstrap.js file, the term "accordion" does not appear at all. Even when inspecting the example on the documentation page, no rules are defined for the class, and removing it has no impact. It appears that its inclusion is solely for convenience if one needs to override something.

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