Aligning UL LI elements vertically for multi-line textORHow to vertically

I am dealing with a ul list that contains both single and multi-line li text. The issue is that the second line of the multi-line text starts at a different indentation than the first line.

I need a simple solution to resolve this problem that works seamlessly across all browsers.

Additionally, I require some spacing between the ul and an adjacent image (essentially a margin).

Below is my HTML and CSS:

<div class="fl">
    <div class="resDtp2"><img src="images/book1.gif"></div>
    <ul class="resDtp2 txtSmall">
        <li class="resDtpPad"><span>Some text Some text Some text</span></li>
        <li class="resDtpPad"><span>Some text</span></li>

ul li.resDtpPad{text-align: left;}

Answer №1

To achieve the desired result, simply add padding-left to the li elements

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