The alignment of flexbox within a list item is not positioned at the top as expected

When I place a flexbox inside a list item, the content is being pushed down by what seems to be a full line height.

I have tried various CSS properties like setting margin-top: 0 for the flexbox, margin-top: 0 for its children, adding flex-wrap to the flexbox, but nothing seems to work!

.wrapper {
  display: flex;
li {
  background: #ccc;
    <div class="wrapper">

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Answer №1

It appears that the issue is related to the ::marker pseudo-element.

The conflict arises from multiple specifications intersecting, making it unclear what the expected behavior should be.

This situation is complicated because these are still proposals under development and not yet suitable for implementation. A warning in CSS Lists 3 - Positioning Markers highlights this concern:

This section is not ready for implementation. It is an unreviewed rough draft that hasn't even been properly checked for Web-compatibility. Feedback is welcome, but avoid using this part of the spec.

An analysis of how Chrome handles markers internally follows.

To simplify, applying list-style-position: inside to a list item with containing blocks yields:


Of note is the marker overlapping the div but adjusting its first line box like floats typically do.

A float should not overlap a formatting context root. For instance, display: inline-block establishes a block formatting context.


Subsequently, while displaying some float-like characteristics, it operates differently than a traditional float element.

Observations continue regarding various scenarios and how Chrome processes them, including cases involving inline-flex and flex display properties.

Contrasting behaviors of Chrome and Firefox also come into focus when handling markers in different situations.

Answer №2


To fix the issue, simply change the .wrapper from display: flex to inline-flex. You can see the updated code in this demo.

Another solution is to set the list-style-type to none. Thanks to @Ricky_Ruiz for this tip. Check it out in this demo.

Browser Behavior

The issue exists in Chrome, Edge, and IE11 while the original code works fine in Firefox and Safari.


The cause of the behavior is currently unknown. There seems to be some restriction (possibly due to a marker) preventing access to the top section of the li element by its children.

(UPDATE: A detailed explanation has been provided in another answer.)

During testing...

  • Removing padding and margin from ul and its descendants did not solve the issue.
  • Adjusting line-height and vertical-align also proved unsuccessful.

Setting an equal height on all elements revealed that something is causing the flex container to render lower than expected and overflow its parent.

ul {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  height: 100px;
  border: 1px solid black;
li {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  background: #ccc;
  height: 100%;
.wrapper {
  display: flex;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  height: 100%;
  border: 1px dashed red;
    <div class="wrapper">

View revised codepen

Answer №3

To fix this issue, simply include the CSS property display: block in the styling of the li element. By default, browsers will render li elements as list items, so explicitly setting them to display as blocks resolves the problem. The flexbox specifications do not address this directly; they only cover block, inline, and inline-block elements, along with table-cell elements which behave like block-level flex items.

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