The bullets in the HTML unordered list are partially hidden from view

My unordered list is experiencing issues with displaying bullets correctly. In Firefox and Internet Explorer, the bullets are only partially shown, while in Chrome they are not visible at all. Adding margin-left: 5px to the <li> element resolves this problem, but I am more interested in understanding why it is happening in the first place. Here is a minimal example on a page where you can see the issue firsthand:

I am using a CMS system called Confluence, which limits my control over the HTML markup. Here is the relevant markup:

<div class="panelMacro">
    <table class="infoMacro">
                    <div class="panel" style="background-color: transparent;border-color: transparent;border-width: 1px;">
                        <div class="panelContent" style="background-color: transparent;">
                                <li>A - There is no bullet displayed for this list. If I add margin-left: 6px to this &lt;li&gt; then I can see it. But I don't understand why this is happening. What is the bullet hiding behind?</li>

Answer №1

Thanks to the following rule:

table.infoMacro ul {
margin-left: 8px;

You have two options: Remove it entirely or adjust the margin to a higher value, such as 10px.

Answer №2

The explanation behind custom.css line 33 is as follows:

table.infoMacro ul {
padding-left: 0px;

You can attempt to replace this.

Answer №3

To enhance the appearance of your list, consider including list-style-position: inside; in the styling for your ul

Answer №4

By examining the html structure, you can observe that the <div class="panel"> is currently designated as overflow:hidden;

To resolve this issue, simply adjust it to overflow:visible; and your problem should be resolved.

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