The alignment of the text seem to be malfunctioning

The text-align:center property isn't working as expected. Can someone please assist me in figuring out why it's not functioning correctly?

Here is the HTML code snippet:

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <title>Wheat and Barley</title>

<body style="font-family:Helvetica;">

     <div style="display:inline-block;">
        <h1 style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:blue;">
     <p>Wheats are cereal grains...</p>
     <p>This particular grain...</p>


Answer №1

Utilize the center tag for perfect alignment

To achieve proper centering, wrap the div as shown below -

<center><div> ... </div></center>

This method ensures that the color background remains only behind the text and the content is perfectly centered!

Thank you.

Answer №2

Text alignment works well, however, inline-block elements behave like inline elements but can also have a specified width and height. If no width is assigned, the div will be as wide as the text.

To simplify, remove the inline-block property as the div element already has a display block.

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <title>Wheat and Barley</title>

<body style="font-family:Helvetica;">

    <div><h1 style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:blue;">Wheat</h1></div>

     <p>Wheat is a cereal grain, originally from the Levant region of the Near East but now cultivated worldwide. In 2013, world production of wheat was 713 million tons, making it the third most-produced cereal after maize (1,016 million tons) and rice (745 million tons). Wheat was the second most-produced cereal in 2009; world production in that year was 682 million tons, after maize, and with rice as a close third.</p>

     <p>This grain is grown on more land area than any other commercial food. World trade in wheat is greater than for all other crops combined. Globally, wheat is the leading source of vegetable protein in human food, having a higher protein content than other major cereals, maize (corn) or rice. In terms of total production tonnages used for food, it is currently second to rice as the main human food crop and ahead of maize, after allowing for maize's more extensive use in animal feeds. The archaeological record suggests that this first occurred in the regions known as the Fertile Crescent.</p>



If possible, avoid using inline CSS and instead use an external file. Visit this link for reference:

Answer №3

To make the h1 element fill the entire width, you can simply add a width of 100% to its style and remove the surrounding div container.

<h1 style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:blue; width:100%">Wheat</h1>

Here is a link to view the code on JSFIDDLE


If you want the result to look like this instead, please check the updated version on JSFIDDLE

Answer №4

Shoutout to everyone who has taken the time to respond to this question! I must say, @HMGtbOfficial's input was particularly valuable amidst all the other responses. Following his advice, I centered the <div> element. Fingers crossed that this does the trick! A huge thank you goes out to him for the assistance!

Here is the revised HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <title>Wheat and Barley</title>

<body style="font-family:Helvetica;">

     <div style="display:inline-block; text-align:center;">
        <h1 style="font-weight:bold; background-color:blue;">
     <p>Wheat is a cereal grain...</p>
     <p>This grain...</p>


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