The ::after CSS notation does not function properly within the directives of Angular 5

Can someone help me with adding an asterisk to the required fields using a directive? I currently have this code:

.required label::after {
    content: '*';
    color: red;

It works well in my HTML:

<div class="required" >
  <label for="entity"> entity </label>
    <select id="entity">
      <option value="">Entity</option>

However, I am attempting to implement this functionality in a directive. Here is what I have so far:

  selector: '[lambRequired]',
  host: {
    '[style.after.content]': '"*"',
    '[style.after.color]': '"red"',
export class RequiredDirective {
    constructor() {

When I try to use the directive in my HTML like this, it doesn't work:

  <div >
    <label lambRequired for="entity"> entity </label>
      <select id="entity">
        <option value="">Entity</option>

If anyone could provide assistance or guidance on how to make this directive work, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Answer №1

Using pseudo elements in this way is not possible due to their nature of not being part of the DOM tree. This means they are not accessible through the DOM API.

If you want to manipulate pseudo elements, you will need to use a CSS class like you were previously attempting.

Creating a directive just to change text color and add an asterisk without any additional functionality may not be worth it. Using a simple CSS class would be more efficient for this purpose.

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