Text vanishing upon the loading of an HTML webpage

I am experiencing an issue where the text on my webpage disappears after it loads, and I am struggling to figure out the cause. (I did not create the site)

The white text displayed on top of the header image initially appears correctly but then vanishes.

Can anyone offer any insights or suggestions?

Answer №1

The disappearing white text in the header can be found within an element identified as #headerPhrase. Take a look at line 156 of your scripts.js:


This particular code snippet is responsible for completely eliminating the white text from the page.

It seems that the issue may be more complex than initially thought, possibly due to the white text being embedded into certain images on the site. As a result, resolving this problem may require a more intricate solution beyond just removing this line of code.

Answer №2

By turning off JavaScript and refreshing the page, you can see the text reappear. I recommend examining all the JavaScript functions operating on your page to identify which one is responsible for its disappearance.

Update: Upon reviewing your scripts, I noticed a line in your script.js that reads:


This seems to be the cause of the issue...

Answer №3

On line 156 of script.js, the code reads as follows: $('#headerPhrase').remove();

After testing in Firebug, it was discovered that by removing this specific line of code, everything functioned correctly.

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