Ways to horizontally align CSS boxes in Internet Explorer

I am facing a challenge in aligning three CSS boxes horizontally on my webpage. I attempted to achieve this by using the webkit and mozilla box orient and align properties.


Although this code works perfectly in Mozilla Firefox, it does not seem to work in Internet Explorer. I am seeking a method that can align the boxes horizontally while supporting all web browsers. Your assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

It's a common desire for web developers to have code that is universally supported by all browsers.

Currently, most major browsers are starting to incorporate some CSS3 features, but Internet Explorer has yet to implement the box-orient feature, creating inconsistencies in support across different browsers. For projects requiring broad compatibility, it's recommended to stick with traditional methods like inline and float, or possibly utilizing a table layout. Consider using Modernizr as a helpful tool if you decide to venture into CSS3 development.

I've created sample screenshots of an example JSFiddle using different techniques such as box-orient: horizontal;, float: left;, display: inline-block;, and table layouts. Feel free to use Browsershots as a benchmark tool to compare how these solutions render on various browsers.

Based on my observations, the most widely compatible methods across browsers are float and inline-block. While tables can also be used, they are more suitable for displaying data rather than for design and layout purposes.

Keep in mind that there may be slight differences in appearance between IE8 and IE9 due to pseudo selectors, while IE7 does not fully support inline-block. Adjustments may be needed for progressive enhancement.

These are the known solutions for aligning boxes horizontally across multiple browser versions.

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