Tell me about the CSS ruby-align characteristic

While browsing online, I stumbled upon a reference to the ruby-align property that piqued my interest. After searching on w3schools for some examples, I was surprised to find no mention of it anywhere.

I remembered that Ruby is a newer tag in HTML5 and decided to check the HTML Reference section for more information. To my disappointment, I discovered that ruby is primarily used in east-Asian typography and still couldn't find any details about its css properties.

Curiously, even Stack Overflow lacks a tag for this mysterious property. Does anyone out there have insight into what exactly the ruby-align property does?

Is there any practical application for this property or the ruby tag itself?

Can someone point me in the right direction to find a comprehensive resource that addresses this elusive query? It seems as though w3schools hasn't covered it yet.

Answer №1

For a comprehensive understanding of ruby support in Firefox, I highly recommend checking out the informative Mozilla Hacks article. Here are some key excerpts from the article:

An Overview

Ruby text serves as supplementary information typically attached to main text for pronunciation or meaning indication. This annotation style is prevalent in Japanese publications and is also commonly found in Chinese educational materials.

Using Ruby Tags

The core ruby support comprises four primary tags: <ruby>, <rb>, <rt>, and <rp>. <ruby> encloses the entire ruby structure, <rb> marks normal line text, <rt> represents annotations, and <rp> hides content by default. Achieving the desired result involves using these tags effectively, as illustrated below:


Enhanced Functionality

In addition to basic usage, Firefox now offers advanced support for handling diverse scenarios.

By default, when annotation width differs from base text, shorter text aligns justifiedly. Control over this behavior is possible through the ruby-align property. Apart from standard alignment (space-around), options include aligning to both sides (space-between), centering (center), or starting side alignment (start).

Answer №2

The ruby-align CSS property determines how the different ruby elements are distributed across the base text.

For further details, click here. It appears to be an experimental feature and is currently only compatible with Firefox.

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