Exploring the potential of Framework7 in Single Page Applications: optimizing performance by preloading

I'm currently working on developing a web application using Framework7.

Framework7 offers routing APIs for navigating between HTML pages.

It seems that the pages are loaded dynamically through AJAX requests. I am curious if it is possible to preload all pages upfront to eliminate any further AJAX requests. My goal is to create a single page application (SPA) where all data (HTML pages, CSS, and JavaScript code) is loaded during startup

Answer №1

There is no straightforward solution to your question because every route will trigger requests when visited. However, you can try resolving the issue by following this trick:

  1. Declare a global or helper JavaScript file.
  2. After declaring it, create method(s) inside that must be triggered when visiting a route and save the result in a global variable (e.g., aboutUsDataCache) for access in the route.
  3. Replace all AJAX request routes actions with methods created for them.
  4. Add a condition to check if aboutUsDataCache is empty or not. If it's not empty, that means we have already triggered the request, received data, and are in SPA mode, so we do not need to access the method again.

Here is an example from a real project:

module.exports.tmpAppCache = {
    fullCadaverList: false,
    fullImagesList: false,
    fullVideosList: false,
    fullPdfList: false,

I also have an ajax-helper.js file loaded before routes with methods like this:

export function getFullPdfList() {
 // Your AJAX request code here

In the routes, I have this code:

    path: '/pdf/',
    async: function (routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {
      if(globalObject.tmpAppCache.fullPdfList !== false){
              component: pdfPage,
              context: {
                data: globalObject.tmpAppCache.fullPdfList
      }else{ getFullPdfList()

This real project example has been simplified for clarity with some notes included:

  1. This example uses WebPack so you may see import and export statements.
  2. Promises have been removed from functions in the code example for clarity.
  3. To trigger all requests at the start, call all methods in the index route. This ensures that when navigating to any page as in our example, the data is cached and requests are not triggered again.

Best of luck!

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