Table with empty cells in HTML

This question may seem easy, but for those who haven't used HTML in a while, it can be quite frustrating. You can view my HTML table at the following link:

Here is the HTML code:

        <th>Account status:</th>
        <th>Portfolios invested:</th>
        <th>Date joined:</th>
        <th>MangoPay status:</th>
        <th>NorthRow status:</th>
        <th>Investor type:</th>

        <td>Number of portfolios</td>
        <td>17 Feb, 2019</td>
        <td colspan='2'>Suspend user</td>
        <td colspan='2'>Member for 1 y, 10m</td>

I'm looking to create tables without spaces like this example image:

Answer №1

Adjust the Style as Necessary

table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
  border-spacing: 0 20px;

th {
  margin: 15px;
  padding: 30px;

td {
  margin: 50px;
  padding: 25px;
      <th>Account Status:</th>
      <th>Invested Portfolios:</th>
      <th>Joining Date:</th>
      <th>MangoPay Status:</th>
      <th>NorthRow Status:</th>
      <th>Investor Type:</th>

      <td>5 portfolios</td>
      <td>22 Mar, 2021</td>
      <td colspan='2'>Block User Access</td>
      <td colspan='2'>Member for 2 y, 3m</td>

Answer №2

To enhance the appearance of your table, consider applying padding to the table cells:

td {
  padding-left: 20px;
  padding-right: 20px;
      <th>Account status:</th>
      <th>Portfolios invested:</th>
      <th>Date joined:</th>
      <th>MangoPay status:</th>
      <th>NorthRow status:</th>
      <th>Investor type:</th>

      <td>Number of portfolios</td>
      <td>17 Feb, 2019</td>
      <td colspan='2'>Suspend user</td>
      <td colspan='2'>Member for 1 y, 10m</td>

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