Calculator built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Hi there, I'm experiencing some issues with my calculator. The buttons seem to be working fine and lining up correctly, but for some reason, nothing is showing up on the monitor or getting calculated when I press the buttons. Here's the code that I've used - can anyone help me identify where I might have gone wrong? My gut feeling is that it has something to do with the true/false condition, but I can't seem to pin it down.

Below is the HTML code snippet:

  <input id="display" type="text" value="0"/><span id="currOp"></span>
    <button id="7" class="num">7</button>
    <button id="8" class="num">8</button>
    <button id="9" class="num">9</button>
    <button id="plus" class="operator">+</button>
    <button id="clear">C</button>
<!-- rest of the HTML code goes here -->

Next, let's take a look at the CSS styling used in the project:

button {
  height: 40px;
  width: 40px;
  font-size: 110%;
font-size: 120%;
text-align: right;
span {
  font-size: 150%;

And finally, the JavaScript code snippet responsible for handling the calculator functionality:

    var isOperating = true;
    var isfloating = false;
    var toBeCleared = true;
    var operator;
    var operand;
    var display;

    // remaining of JavaScript code goes here

Answer №1

Make sure to assign clearFlag = false;

if (currentValue === "0" || clearFlag) {
  clearFlag = false; 
  } else {
   screen.value(currentValue + clickedNumber);

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