The website flickers in and out as it loads

My site keeps flashing whenever it loads. Despite trying the solutions recommended in this stackoverflow post, I have had no success. Every page on my website loads a nav.html file using this code:

$.get("nav.html", function(data){

To view the .html code, please check the page source. The structure of the site is explained in more detail in another question of mine posted here: essentially, I want all navbar items defined in just one file (nav.html) so that any modifications can be easily implemented by editing a single file.

Answer №1

The performance of the website/webserver is not impacted by this issue.

The problem lies in loading a new html file for each navigation point.

To address this, content should be fetched asynchronously and then replaced on the page using Javascript. The process involves:

  • 1) Loading the external html file through ajax
  • 2) Swapping out the current content with the newly loaded data

By following this method, the URL would remain unchanged, for example, .../about.html

Answer №2

Have you ever heard of ng-cloak being beneficial in situations like this? It might be worth looking into further research, perhaps it could provide some insight for you. Check out the ngCloak documentation

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