What could be causing my bounce animation to begin 50 pixels higher than its intended starting point?

Trying to create a bouncing effect on text

Check out my attempt here. It seems like the bug is in this area.

@keyframes bounce{

  0%, 40%{
    transform:scale(2,.5) translate(0,100px);


  55%, 100%{

However, there is a bug where the bouncing effect starts 50px too high. Any suggestions on how to fix it?

Answer №1

I'm a bit uncertain about your goal, but here's a suggestion that may be useful:

  0%, 40%{
    /* Change 100px to 200px */
    transform: scale(2,.5) translate(0,200px);

The text will appear compressed suddenly, but it will remain close to its original position.

It seems like the translate function is influenced by the scale factor.

Answer №2

The reason for the unexpected jump in your animation is due to the initial scaling applied:

 0%, 40%{
    transform:scale(2,.5) translate(0,100px);

By starting with the letters already translated in your .test class, scaling them also affects the translation.

If you eliminate the scaling, you'll notice there is no sudden shift of 50 pixels at the beginning.

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