Switching out CSS files on the fly in ASP.NET

Looking to dynamically change the CSS file being used in my ASP.NET Web Application when it's running.

Imagine I have two CSS files, red.css and blue.css.

I attempted the following method:

In the Master Page, I have this link:

<link rel="Stylesheet" ID="Styles" runat="server"/>

In the Master Page's Page_Load event:

Styles.Href = Global.CSSPath;

In Global.asax:

public static string CSSPath = "red.css";
(assuming both are in the same folder)

This method works. Additionally, I could easily create functionality to change the value of CSSPath to switch to blue.css or any other theme. Now, I want to know if this change impacts only one user or all users of the web application.

If it only affects one user, that's fantastic, thank you! If it doesn't, what should I do to enable theme changes at runtime for a particular user/session?

Appreciate your insights,


Answer №1

Reading the value from a static (global) variable will have an impact on all users.

If you want to change the theme during runtime, consider retrieving the user-specific value from the Session on the server-side.

Answer №2

To enhance your webpage, consider implementing code similar to the following in your html file:

    <script runat="server">

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
      HtmlLink csslink = new HtmlLink();
      csslink.Href = "~/styles.css";
      csslink.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet");
      csslink.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css");

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