What could be causing the appearance of lines above and below my SVG element in the html?

I'm using an SVG to create a curved look on my web page. The SVGs are already in place and look great on desktop screens, but when viewed on mobile, I see small lines appearing above and below the SVG that I want to remove.

Here are some pictures of the issue:
Line near navigation bar Lines above and below the image

Your help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.

I've already attempted setting the width and height to 100%, but the lines only appear on mobile devices.

The SVG was obtained from

Link to the page:

        <body bgcolor="red">

Answer №1

After reviewing the provided HTML code, it appears that there are no lines showing in the SVG. This could be a result of a browser Dev Tools issue caused by zooming in or out.

You can try resolving this by adjusting the following:


Change it to 100% and check if the problem is fixed.


I have identified the issue now. In the head tag of your code, ensure you include the following:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

To create a responsive design for your website, this meta tag is crucial as it prevents scaling issues and ensures proper responsiveness. For more information, refer to the official documentation.

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