Display a full-width card beneath each small card in every row using CSS

In a scenario where I have designed a layout consisting of 3 column/row cards across multiple rows. Each card displays basic information, and when a user clicks on any specific card, a full-width card below that row will display more detailed information. However, there is an issue with the current CSS implementation.

When clicking on the first small card, the full-width data appears just below that row as intended. But the problem arises when other cards in the same row shift down along with it. Refer to the image below for a clearer visualization.


Answer №1

One potential solution is to incorporate an additional row of extended-length cards beneath the regular rows on your page. Within these added rows, consider including three extended-length cards that contain supplementary details typically not shown. When a user clicks on any given card, the corresponding extended-length card associated with that specific card could then be revealed.

This approach serves as just one possibility for addressing your issue. I trust this suggestion proves beneficial to you.

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