Surprising spacing found between CSS header elements

As I am in the process of redesigning a website, I have encountered an issue with certain elements in the header section. Specifically, the header consists of a logo, some text, and a navigation bar. There seems to be a thick gap between the bottom of the logo and the top of the navigation bar, as shown in this screenshot:

I am struggling to figure out the source of this gap and how to eliminate it completely. Adjusting the line-height property of the div containing the logo to 0.0 helps reduce the gap to a single pixel, but this solution feels like a workaround and does not fully resolve the problem.

You can view the work-in-progress version of the site live here. If anyone with more expertise in HTML/CSS can spot any mistakes I may have made, your insights would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Include the specified css style

.brand img

Answer №2

The vertical spacing is created by the descenders in characters like y and g, allowing them to fit fully within their vertical space. Using either display:block; or vertical-align:bottom; should have the same effect.

Answer №3

img { display: block; }

The spacing exists because images are typically inline elements, which align them with the baseline of text. This space serves as a placeholder for descenders in a line that contains both text and images.

Answer №4

It seems like there is some spacing being generated by the <div class="logo"> and the <a href="#"> surrounding your logo. To address this issue, you can use either display:block; or vertical-align:bottom; as suggested earlier.

Suggestion: If you haven't already done so, consider installing the Firebug plugin for Firefox. It's a valuable tool for examining your webpage. You can pinpoint specific areas, and Firebug will identify which HTML elements and CSS classes are influencing the layout.

Answer №5

To ensure proper alignment, the <a> surrounding the element should have the properties display:block; position:relative, while the image itself should have position:absolute. This setup has been successful in this scenario.

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