Use ng-class in a P tag to assess a variety of expressions

Is there a way to apply ng-class to automatically evaluate negative values within a < p > tag?

<p <strong>LW$:</strong> {{d.lw_metric}} <strong>LW:</strong> {{d.lw_metric_percentage}} <strong>L4W:</strong> {{d.l4w_metric}}</p>

I currently have the following CSS:

.positive{ color: green}
.negative{ color: red}

However, I am unsure how to instruct Angular to evaluate all the values inside the tag without specifying each one individually like this:

ng-class = "{'positive':data.merchMetrics.LW_CHG_LY >=0,'negative':data.merchMetrics.LW_CHG_LY <0}"

There are five expressions within this tag, so I believe there might be a more efficient approach.

Answer №1

It is possible to transfer that logic over to the controller for better organization.



$scope.evaluateClass = function(merchMetrics){
    var returnClass = "";
    //The following loop will go through each property of the object
    //and determine which class needs to be applied
    for (var key in merchMetrics) {
       if (merchMetrics.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
          //Additional logic can be added here
          //so that the string will have positive and negative classes once
          if(merchMetrics[key] > 0)
             returnClass = returnClass + "positive "
             returnClass = returnClass + "negative "
    //The class can be returned from here
    return returnClass;

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