Dropdown menu remains unable to open

One of the dropdown menus on my website is not retracting back properly, but only on the contact page where a Google map is displayed. The issue looks like this:

I've tried tweaking the CSS code without success. What could I be missing? Should I provide more information?

Here's the HTML code snippet in question:

<nav id=\"topmenu\" class=\"clearfix\">            
  <ul class=\"dropdown\">    
    <li class=\"menu-level-0 current-menu-ancestor\">
      <a href=\"index.php\"><span>Home</span></a>
    <li class=\"menu-level-0 current-menu-ancestor\">
      <a href=\"aboutus.php\"><span>About Us</span></a>
    <li class=\"menu-level-0 current-menu-ancestor\">
      <a href=\"parts.php\"><span>Auto Parts</span></a>
    <!-- More menu items here -->

The problematic dropdown menu is located under submenu-1.

Link to the CSS file: http://pastebin.com/1g74fqW1

Snippet from the contact page's HTML code:

<div class="body_wrap">
  <div id="map-canvas"></div>      
  <div id="menuu">
     <!-- Form and button elements here -->

CSS styling for the contact page components:

#menuu {
    position: absolute;
    background-color: transparent;
    top: 100px;
    left: 10px;

#map-canvas {
   height: 600px;

View the live contact page here:

Answer №1

It seems like there is a duplication of jQuery loading on this page:

  • Version 1.8.3 is loaded from js/libs/jquery.min.js, located in the <head>
  • Version 1.11.0 is fetched from http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js, immediately following the google maps api inclusion
  • Additionally, version 1.4.2 is obtained from , right after the <script> block labeled “The following example creates a marker in Stockholm”.

The use of the jquery easing plugin results in an error when the menu appears, displaying “

TypeError: jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def] is not a function
”, which could be causing issues with hiding the menu correctly.

One of the redundant jquery versions (particularly 1.4.2) might be incompatible with the easing plugin. It may be beneficial to remove it and test again!

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