How to attach an event listener to an input element using Angular

I am looking to add a listener to an input element that will be triggered every time the user changes the input values. The goal is to display the current values chosen by the user.

Example HTML template:

<div id="idDoseLabel1" class="date">
  <p>{{ "SITE.INSECTICIDES.DOSE_LABEL" | translate }}:</p>
<input id="idDoseValue1"
    [disabled] = "false"

Answer №1

To have an action triggered whenever the input value changes, you can set up an onChange event for the input element. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

<input id="idDoseValue1" [disabled]="false" required placeholder="" maxlength="7" clrInput type="number" name="doseValue" [(ngModel)]=iPesticidesDosesPasser.dose #name1="ngModel" (change)="someFunction($event)"/>

In the someFunction() function, you can access the value stored in the variable iPesticidesDosesPasser.dose.

Answer №2

To trigger a function on input change, you can utilize the `change` event, as shown below:

<input id="idDoseValue1"
  [disabled] = "false"
  (change) = "test()"

Answer №3

To accomplish the same task, you have the option to utilize FormControl.

HTML Code:

<div id="idDoseLabel1" class="date">
    <p>{{ "SITE.INSECTICIDES.DOSE_LABEL" | translate }}:</p>
<input [disabled] = "false"

TS code:

doseControl = new FormControl('');

ngOnInit() {
    this.doseControl.valueChanges.subscribe(value => {

//to retreive value

//to set value
this.doseControl.setValue('new value');

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