Submenu in submenu not registering CSS hover events

Currently, on a website project that I'm developing, there is a submenu nested within another submenu. Interestingly enough, the level-2 submenu happens to be taller than its parent level-1 submenu. To control the visibility of these submenus, I've utilized CSS to dictate that when hovering over the parent list item of the level-1 submenu or the level-1 submenu itself, it should remain visible. This logic is repeated for the level-2 submenu as well. However, upon exiting the bounds of the level-1 submenu, it appears that the pointer events for the level-2 items are no longer being detected.

To witness this behavior firsthand, you can visit the work-in-progress staging site (please excuse the rough appearance as styling is still in progress):

Hovering over categories like "All Categories" and "Native American Artifacts," then attempting to select a submenu item further down the list causes the entire menu to disappear abruptly, suggesting that hover events aren't registering properly once outside the bounds of the level-1 submenu.

  • In Safari, hover events for level-2 submenus do not seem to register at all.
  • In Chrome, hover events for level-2 submenus vanish upon leaving the boundaries of level-1.
  • In Firefox, the submenus behave as expected and remain open while hovered over.

It's worth noting that I'm not using `display:none` to hide submenus before revealing them; rather, I'm employing a combination of `opacity`, `visibility`, and `pointer-events:none` to enable smooth fading transitions. I bring this up because I suspect that maybe my use of `pointer-events` is causing some complications, although I fail to see how that could be the case.

Here's a simplified snippet of the CSS I'm working with:

.sub-menu-level-1 {
  opacity: 0;
  visibility: hidden;
  pointer-events: none;

li:hover > .sub-menu-level-1,
li > .sub-menu-level-1:hover {
  opacity: 1;
  visibility: visible;
  pointer-events: initial;

Is there something obvious I'm missing here, or is this perhaps a browser-specific issue?

My preference would be to avoid introducing JavaScript into the mix if possible; I personally believe that such functionality shouldn't require additional scripting...

I've scoured through every aspect related to `pointer-events:none`, overflow properties, z-index conflicts, and more...

Below are excerpts of the actual CSS and HTML code:

.menu-wrapper {
  /* Styles omitted for brevity */

/* HTML markup removed for clarity */

The expectation is that applying `.item:hover` should trigger corresponding styles during the hover event... right??

Answer №1

It seems like your styling may be getting a bit complex, especially with the use of pointer-events properties. If all items in your menus and submenus are clickable or hoverable, it might be better to keep the pointer-events intact and instead hide the parent container.

Also, nesting your .sub-menu within specific CSS rules within SCSS can make your code less readable. For example:

.menu-wrapper .all-categories .toggle-nav > ul li a .submenu {
    left: calc(~'100% - 20px');
    top: 0;
    border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
    padding: 20px 30px;
    color: #666666;

To keep things simple, try to avoid nesting styles too deeply, ideally not exceeding 5 levels.

If you're having trouble with the :hover state, check if the hover styles for .sub-menu and .see-all-categories are properly defined.

Consider simplifying your code sample and providing a clear snippet to help identify the issue more easily. Sometimes, explaining the problem can lead you to discover the solution on your own.

Answer №2

After completely overhauling the menu CSS, I managed to resolve the issue (even by utilizing opacity: 0 and visibility: hidden instead of display: none). Although not entirely certain about the root cause, I am fairly confident at approximately 86.239% that it was linked to the level-1 submenu's implementation of the columns property and break-inside: avoid on its child menu items. The level-2 submenus being nested within the level-1 menu items likely caused the break-inside attribute to impact those level-2 submenus as well, despite their appearances being visually intact due to absolute positioning. By switching to flexbox instead of css columns, I successfully maintained the same layout with improved functionality.

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