Looking for some help with tweaking this script - it's so close to working perfectly! The images are supposed to show up while

Hey everyone, I'm struggling with a script issue!

I currently have a gallery of images where the opacity is set to 0 in my CSS. I want these images to become visible when scrolling down (on view). In this script, I have specified that they should appear when they reach 50% of their height, but for some reason, they are appearing at 100%. Can anyone help me understand why?


    function isVisibleInViewport(elem, percentageOfImageBeforeAppearing){
    if(typeof percentageOfImageBeforeAppearing == "undefined") 
        percentageOfImageBeforeAppearing = 0;

    var docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop();
    var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height();
    var elemTop = $(elem).offset().top;
    var elemBottom = elemTop + $(elem).height();
    var breakPoint = elemTop + (percentageOfImageBeforeAppearing/100) * $(elem).width();

    return ((elemBottom <= docViewBottom) && (breakPoint >= docViewTop));

function changeOpacity(){
        var img = $(this);

        if (isVisibleInViewport(this, 50)){
            img.css("opacity", "1.0");



Answer №1

Could you please explain why

 var break_point = elemTop + (percent_image_before_appearing/100) * $(elem).width();

uses .width() instead of .height()?

Furthermore, you are using

elemBottom <= docViewBottom

This condition checks if the element's bottom is less than the document's view bottom. Essentially asking if the image's bottom is higher than the window's bottom, meaning it is completely in view.

I believe what you actually need is

break_point <= docViewBottom

This will check if the breakpoint (the 50% point) is visible on the screen.

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