Stylish grey container with crisp white lettering

Just getting started with HTML and I've been working on a project for my class. Here's what I've come up with:

<font style="background-color: grey; color: white; display: block">Black and white copies $.10 per page letter/legal size</font>

 Color copies $.99 per page letter/legal size<br>

<font style="background-color: grey; color: white; display: block">Transparencies $1.98 per page full color</font>

Transparencies $.61 per page black and white<br>

Everything looks good in the browser, but when I try to validate the file with WC3 Validator, it gives me an error message that says : "Line 33 and 37, Column 71: The font element is obsolete. Use CSS instead."

How can I incorporate that grey box with reverse text into my CSS stylesheet?

I appreciate any guidance you can provide! Greg

Answer №1

Replace the font tag with a block tag - utilize <div> and eliminate display:block, as it is no longer necessary.

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