Tips for keeping divs in place when hovering over a changing-sized element above them

Looking for some help with my website design. Whenever I hover over the "Problem" and then move away, the div underneath it shifts up and down. The same issue occurs when interacting with the "Solution" section. Any suggestions on how to prevent this movement?

I believe the movement is triggered by changes in font size and underlining, but I'm unsure of how to address it effectively.

Answer №1

When hovering, the text and container grow in size, causing the rest of the content to move down.

Here are 3 possible solutions:

  1. Utilize transform: scale(1.2); to magnify the text without disrupting the document's flow. Apply this to your element:hover. Don't forget to include browser prefixes. Learn more about this technique here

    For example:

    #hover-item:hover {
    transform: scale(1.2);
  2. Set a fixed height for your navigation bar to prevent the container from resizing dynamically.

  3. Apply position: absolute to either the navigation bar or the content. This will remove them from the normal document flow, preventing interference with each other.

Answer №2

To ensure consistent text height within <h3> headings, set the CSS property line-height

Answer №3

This solution worked perfectly for me:

#selector {
    display: flex;
    margin: 0 auto;
    overflow: hidden;
    max-height: 50px;

By setting the maximum height to 50px, I was able to ensure that the container does not exceed this limit.

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