In IE8, the :last-child pseudo-class appears to be ineffective

Here is the HTML structure I am working with:

<div class="footerMenu">
     <li>Contact us</li>        

However, the following code snippet doesn't seem to work in IE8:

.footerMenu li:last-child { } 

According to this MSDN link, the pseudo-selector should be supported in IE8. Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Your interpretation was incorrect. The statement clearly indicates that it is not compatible with IE8:

If you were considering :first-child, which is supported in IE7 and IE8, and assuming the same for :last-child... surprise! It's not the case.

:first-child belongs to CSS2 selectors, whereas :last-child was only incorporated in CSS3. Since Microsoft aimed for CSS2.1 compliance with IE8, they probably did not address :last-child until after IE8.

If you are certain there will be only four li elements, utilize adjacent sibling selectors to target the fourth li:

.footerMenu li:first-child + li + li + li

Answer №2

In addition to what the previous contributors have mentioned, another approach might involve utilizing JavaScript to populate any missing elements. Selectivizr serves as a prime illustration of how last-child support can be incorporated.

Answer №3

After checking the link you shared, it seems that it is not compatible with IE8 and only works for IE9 and above. Searching for information about last-child in IE8 brings up numerous other related questions on the topic.

Answer №4

Can you confirm the source of that information? According to my research, the CSS pseudo-class selector :first-child is compatible with IE7 and up, while :last-child works from IE9 onwards.

(Headers have been repositioned for easier reading)

Answer №5

While it is true that IE8 does not support the last-child selector, there are alternative solutions to address your issue. One option is to manually assign a class to the final <li> element. Alternatively, since this menu likely contains links, you can target the last link using an attribute selector, which is compatible with IE8. For example:

.navmenu a[href="contact.html"] { ... }

Answer №6

Consider implementing the following style:

.navList li {background-color: expression(this.previousSibling==null?'blue':'orange');}

Answer №7

Although it may be considered outdated, there is actually a straightforward method to achieve this:

If you only want to make the change in a specific list item (li), simply follow these steps:

<li style="yourstyle;">...</li>

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