The jQuery.addClass() function seems to be malfunctioning

I'm encountering an issue with the addClass() method. For some reason, it's not functioning properly in this scenario:

If you scroll to the end and close the last box by clicking on the orange box, the orange borders of the closed box should transfer to another visible box by removing the class photo-src-as-main from the closed box and adding it to the first visible box. However, this functionality is not working as expected!

<div class="photo fn-photo-upload grid-25 tablet-grid-50 mobile-grid-100" >
  <div class="photo-frame">
    <div class="photo-src fn-photo-upload-src">
      <div class="pu-btn-container"><span class="text-charcoal">/upload</span></div>


<div class="photo fn-photo-upload grid-25 tablet-grid-50 mobile-grid-100" >
  <div class="photo-frame">
    <div class="photo-src fn-photo-upload-src">
      <div class="pu-btn-container"><span class="text-charcoal">/upload</span></div>


    width: 40px;
    height: 40px;
    background-color: orange;
    cursor: pointer;
/* Additional CSS properties here */


    var photo=$(this).parents().eq(3);
    var photoFrame=$(this).parents().eq(2);

    if (photoFrame.hasClass("photo-src-as-main")) {
      // Add and remove classname logic


Answer №1

When you click on the orange square element "photo-src-remove," both of your "click" handlers are triggered. This is because its parent is a "photo-src" element, causing the click to bubble up. As a result, the code adds "photo-src-as-main" as intended, but then promptly removes it due to the other click handler.

To resolve this issue, you can prevent event bubbling by adding the following line:

    e.stopPropagation();                   // <=== stop bubbling
    var photo=$(this).parents().eq(3);
    var photoFrame=$(this).parents().eq(2);

    if (photoFrame.hasClass("photo-src-as-main")) {
      //I dont understand why it refuses to add and remove this classname

Instead of navigating through the DOM structure using .parents(), I recommend utilizing .closest() to explicitly target the parent based on its class name. Relying on DOM hierarchy for navigation can be precarious.

Answer №2

You might want to consider a different approach as the current one seems to be causing some issues. Although it may not look pretty, the key issue here is not with the add/remove class functionality but rather with the element being returned during the selection process.

    var frameList = $(".photo-frame").filter(':visible');
    $(frameList[frameList.length - 1]).addClass("photo-src-as-main")

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