Having trouble with blueprintjs icons not appearing as they should on certain pages

I have recently updated an older React application from blueprintjs version 1 to version 4 by following the documentation. However, I am now facing an issue where the icons are not displaying correctly as shown in the image below.

Could someone please point out what might be going wrong?

  <div className="hg-RightMenu hg-toolbar">
    <ul className="hg-RightMenu__list">
      <li className="hg-RightMenu__list__item">
        <SidebarToggle icon="bp4-icon-user" tooltip="User Profile" name="PROFILE" />
        <div className="hg-badge">{messagesCount}</div>
      <li className="hg-RightMenu__list__item">
        <SidebarToggle icon="bp4-icon-history" tooltip="Recent Searches" name="SEARCH_HISTORY" />
      <li className="hg-RightMenu__list__item">
        <SidebarToggle icon="bp4-icon-floppy-disk" tooltip="Saved Searches" name="SAVED_SEARCHES" />


Answer №1

Can you provide an example of how <SidebarToggle> is implemented in your code? It seems like it's not a Blueprint component, so my guess is that you're passing the icon="bp4-icon-user" prop and forwarding it to a Blueprint API. You may just need to remove the "bp4-icon-" prefix. There have been some changes to icon APIs in Blueprint v2.0, which you can check out in the changelog here.

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