Can a callout or indicator be created when a table breaks across columns or pages?

As we develop HTML pages for printing purposes, one specific requirement for tables is to include an indicator like "Continues..." below the table whenever a page or column break occurs. Additionally, in the header of the continuation of the table, we need another indication such as the table title followed by the text "Continued," before resuming with the regular content flow.

Our plan is to utilize CSS multi-columns for the top-level container and the standard HTML table element for the table itself. However, it appears that CSS columns do not provide any built-in pseudo-classes for styling the column breaks.

Below is the desired layout:

Answer №1

My suggested approach would be as follows:

  • Place a hidden div above the table

<div id="cont-label" style="display:none;">Continues...</div>

  • Determine the size of the table

You can achieve this by either sending its size to the UI or fetching it using JavaScript:

var size = $('#mytable tr').length;

The size can then be stored in a JavaScript variable or within a data attribute in the table's div, such as data-size=12

  • Check if the table is "chopped"

If the number of rows displayed on the home page is less than the total size of the table, you can determine this by counting the rows or having a fixed number of displayed rows (depending on your design). Let's assume the displayed size is displayedSize.

  • Comparison and action

It is recommended to utilize jQuery for this step. Retrieve both the values of size and displayedSize, then compare them:

if( displayedSize < size ){

I am assuming that the next page always includes the text "Continued," as displaying the entire table rather than just a portion simplifies implementation. Please correct me if my assumption is incorrect.

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