Styling limitations encountered when using lang="scss" with scoped css

My current project involves using Quasar and I am attempting to style the first column of q-table:

<style lang="scss" scoped>
td:first-child {
  background-color: #747480 !important;

Unfortunately, this code does not seem to have any effect even after trying various methods like reloading, hot reloading, or restarting the server.

Strangely enough, when I remove the "scoped" attribute, it works perfectly. I'm confused as to why this is happening. Can anyone suggest a solution for this issue?

EDIT: I have created a working demo:


If you simply remove the "scoped" attribute from the style, you will see the color change take effect.

Answer №1

Latest Update: The piercing selector in Vue 3 is now :deep(). For example:

.qtable :deep(tbody td) {
  white-space: normal;

This will result in output like this:

.qtable[data-v-f3f3eg9] tbody td {
  white-space: normal;

Initial Response:

Caution when using >>> with lang="scss"!

While >>> works as expected without specifying a lang (or setting it to css), the same cannot be said for lang="scss".

The only effective piercing selectors for lang="scss" (in Vue 2.x — v2.6.11) are /deep/ and ::v-deep.
I have tested with both node-sass and dart-sass packages, but the behavior remains consistent. It seems to be an issue at either the Vue package or Sass package level.

Interestingly, >>> is replaced by > > > in scss, rendering the code block ineffective. The desired behavior should be to remove >>> and not apply scoping attribute to subsequent parts of the selector (as done with other piercing selectors).

Note that this used to work previously, and I am unsure why or when it ceased to function. Personally, I have always favored using ::v-deep without any specific rationale.

To solve this issue, simply encapsulate everything within ::v-deep {}:

<style lang="scss" scoped>
  ::v-deep {
    td:first-child {
      background-color: #747480; /* no need for !important */
    .q-table tbody td {
      white-space: normal;

By doing so, the styles will be applied correctly.

Answer №2

Utilize the deep selector within scoped styles

To implement this, include an "id" attribute in your q-table component


Next, adjust your scoped style to resemble the following example

<style scoped>
  #my-custom-table >>> td:first-child {
    background-color: #1313eb !important;

 .q-table tbody td {
    white-space: normal;

Answer №3

When using

<style scoped lang="scss">
, such as in Vue.js, remember that the deep selector /deep/ is necessary instead of >>> between parent and child tags to apply CSS parameters to all children elements:

// This will not apply to all children and will not work:
.my-table .cell {
  word-break: keep-all;

// Apply it to all children elements:
.my-table /deep/ .cell {
  word-break: keep-all;

/deep/ or ::v-deep serves as a substitution for >>> in the Sass scoped pre-processor.

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