What is the reason for the continual appearance of the *ngIf validation message?

Currently, I am working with Angular and HTML. I have implemented pattern validation for the first name field, which should not accept only numbers.

    <fieldset class="six">
     <input id="firstName" ng-pattern="^[a-zA-Z]+$" type="text" 
        [(ngModel)]="user.firstName" formControlName="firstName" 
         required autocomplete="given-name" placeholder="First 
            <label class="validation-message alert" 
           *ngIf="( (!newUserForm.controls.firstName 
              ||user.firstName.trim().length == 0 ) && 
                     First Name is required </label>
            <label class="validation-message alert" *ngif=" 
              newUserForm.firstName.touched " ng-message=" 
               Invalid First Name </label>

I am facing an issue where the invalid first name message always shows up. I would appreciate any assistance on resolving this problem. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

The condition in your ngIf only checks if the firstName field has been touched, not whether it is valid or not.

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