JavaScript providing inaccurate height measurement for an element

Upon loading the page, I am trying to store the height of an element. To achieve this, I have utilized the jQuery "ready" function to establish a callback:

var h_top;
var h_what;
var h_nav;

$(".people").ready(function() {
    h_top = $(".top").height();
    h_what = $(".what").height();
    h_nav = $(".nav").height();

    console.log("h_top: " + h_top.toString());
    console.log("h_what: " + h_what.toString());
    console.log("h_nav: " + h_nav.toString());

Unfortunately, the values returned for all elements appear to be incorrect. These values consistently differ by a few pixels compared to when I manually call the height functions from the browser console. I also attempted using outerHeight() and innerHeight(), but encountered the same discrepancy.

What could be causing this issue and how can it be resolved?

Answer №1

The jQuery "ready" function triggers after the HTML has been fully parsed, but before all external resources are loaded. It is recommended to utilize the window.load event so that your code runs only after images have finished downloading and their dimensions are known.

According to the JQuery documentation on the .ready() method:

Web browsers also trigger the load event on the window object when all assets on the page, including images, have finished loading. This event can be monitored in jQuery using

$( window ).on( "load", handler )
. If your code relies on loaded assets (such as image dimensions), it should be placed within a handler for the load event.

Answer №2

To ensure accurate values that reflect the final outcome of a browser's rendering process, utilize the onload handler.

    $(window).load(function(){ ... }

For a comprehensive explanation of how parsing and rendering functions, as well as why an element may not accurately represent final dimensions until fully loaded, refer to this informative article:

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