Styling individual table cells with CSS based on their contents of containing another table

I need help with styling a html table that contains another html table. Specifically, I want to apply different css rules (padding and margin) to the td element that holds the child table.

My goal is to set padding: 5px; for all td elements except the one containing the child table. Since the table is generated dynamically, I cannot manually style each td element. I have attempted to use jQuery without success.

The parent table is created within a GridView in an ASP.NET environment. I am using the EmptyDataTemplate to display a child table that mimics the main GridView if there is no data present.

I would appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue. Thank you.

Answer №1

Check out this example I created:

td table {
    margin: -5px;

The key is to use a negative margin on the second table to balance out the padding around it.

Answer №2

If you're using jQuery, you can achieve the following:


This code snippet will apply padding to all td elements that do not contain a table as a child. Alternatively, you can use a class for styling instead of inline CSS.

Answer №3

Consider exploring CSS selectors further by checking out this link

Although what you're describing isn't currently a part of CSS, it might be in the future. Check out more information at this link

If you have JQuery available, you can target table td elements with a sub-table using:

$('table td:has(table.sub)').addClass('has_sub');

After adding the class 'has_sub', you can style the td.has_sub to achieve your desired look.

Answer №4

Here's a way to select it:

Cascading Style Sheets

.the-class {
insert your code here


JavaScript with jQuery


Note: I personally recommend using the addClass method over .css as it avoids adding inline styles to your HTML.

Answer №5

In most cases, the selector you'll want to use is ">" which specifically targets a child element and not a grandchild. For instance:

parent-selector > direct-child-selector {

When dealing with tables, it becomes a bit more complex as HTML automatically inserts tbody. The correct way to target elements within a table is:

table-selector > tbody > tr > td {

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