What are the steps to personalize Twitter Bootstrap with Less for changing the height of the Navbar?

I recently stumbled upon some interesting articles that explain how to customize various elements of Twitter Bootstrap using LESS. You can check out one of the articles here and find more information about Twitter Bootstrap here. However, I am still unsure about what needs to be included in my files and how they should be structured.

Can someone guide me on how to use LESS to adjust the height of the navbar?

Answer №1

To begin, download the less files from GitHub and then locate where the height is specified. Upon examining the files, I discovered that the height is initially set in navbar.less on line 22:

min-height: @navbarHeight;

It is evident that a variable is used to define the height. Further inspection of the same file reveals that this variable is utilized multiple times to establish various heights within the navbar. The most straightforward solution would be to modify the value of this variable, which can typically be found in the variables.less file. Simply adjust it to your desired height and recompile your bootstrap.less.

In the event that you decide to update your Bootstrap version, you should be able to retain your variables.less file and only make changes to the remaining files for the new version. This is of course assuming that no new variables have been introduced in the update.

Answer №2

In his explanation, PeterVR details how to update the less locally after downloading and setting up the less environment. Alternatively, you have the option to customize your bootstrap distribution before downloading it from the Twitter Bootstrap Customize page if you prefer not to deal with recompiling less templates, etc.

For the future, it might be more beneficial to download the source files yourself and manage any overrides you make to the default settings in bootstrap. However, using the customization tool could suffice for a quick and easy override of the defaults.

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