Is it possible to modify the inactive color of just one radio button in Framework7?

Is there a way to change the inactive color of only one radio button in Framework7? I am aware that using the CSS variable --f7-radio-inactive-color allows me to set the inactive color for all radio buttons.

However, I specifically want to modify the inactive color for just one radio button (the currently selected one). My attempt to achieve this through CSS variables by targeting input:checked[name=color-radio] did not yield the desired result.

If you are interested in experimenting with my simple example, feel free to access it here on JSFiddle.

Answer №1

It seems that CSS variables do not have scope awareness, so setting them outside of the :root won't make a difference.

However, you can manually assign colors to specific elements like <i> and it will work as expected. Just remember to reset all <i> elements before applying new styles.

Check out this example:

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