Styling in sass gets even more powerful when using custom selectors that are

Using these mixins makes it easy to work with BEM syntax in sass 3.3.2:




    color: grey
      color: red

With this setup, we get the desired result:

.menu__item {color: grey;}
.menu__item--alert {color: red;}

However, issues arise when dealing with block level modifiers:

      color: blue

The CSS output is:

.menu--theme-1__item {color: blue;}

But what is actually needed is:

.menu--theme-1 .menu__item {color: blue;}

An attempt was made to determine the context of an element using parent selectors within the mixin, but it did not fully solve the issue.

Update A workaround was discovered by adding a context argument to the element mixin:

=e($name, $context:null)
  @if $context

Now, the mixin can be called as follows:

    +e(item, nav)
      color: blue

This results in:

.menu--theme-1 .menu__item {color: blue;} 

Answer №1

Responding to a question that is 2 years old - a bit of a long shot :) But hopefully it can also be beneficial to someone else.

To make your Element mixin more reliable, you should enhance it by checking if the parent selector has a modifier.

You will need to create two functions:

  • one function to verify if a selector includes a modifier
  • another function to extract the block name from that selector

@function _bem-selector-has-modifier($selector) {
  $selector: _bem-selector-to-string($selector);

  @if str-index($selector, $bem-modifier-separator) or str-index($selector, ':') {
    @return true;
  } @else {
    @return false;

@function _bem-get-block-name($selector) {
  $selector: _bem-selector-to-string($selector);
  $modifier-separator: '--';

  $modifier-start: str-index($selector, $modifier-separator) - 1;

  @return str-slice($selector, 0, $modifier-start);

Then, you just have to implement this check in your element mixin

$bem-element-separator: '__';

@mixin element($element) {
  $selector: &;

  @if _bem-selector-has-modifier($selector) {
    $block: _bem-get-block-name($selector);

    @at-root {
      #{$selector} {
        .#{$block + '__' + $element} {
  } @else {
    @at-root {
      #{$selector +'__' + $element} {

Therefore, by calling element('item') within a modifier('with-modifier'), you should see a

.block--with-modifier .block__item
selector in your compiled CSS without needing to manually set the context.

The code provided is in SCSS format, but the concept remains consistent with SASS.

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