Ways to customize the background color of child cells in a table

I've implemented material-table in this UI and I'm currently working on customizing the style of specific cells only when the onTreeExpandChange is true.

Essentially, my goal is to change the background color for cells 2 & 3. Check out the screenshot below for reference:


Here's a snippet of the code:

    title: 'WEST',
    field: 'west',
    cellStyle: { textAlign: 'center' },
    headerStyle: { backgroundColor: '#006EB8' }
    { id: 1, group_name: '1', northeast: 'Baran', central: 'ddd', west: '3' },
    { id: 2, parentId: 1, group_name: '2', northeast: 'Baran', central: 'ddd', west: '3' },
    { id: 3, parentId: 1, group_name: '3', northeast: 'Baran', central: 'ddd', west: '3' },
    { id: 4, group_name: '4', northeast: 'Baran', central: 'ddd', west: '3' },
    { id: 5, group_name: '5', northeast: 'Baran', central: 'ddd', west: '3' },
    { id: 6, group_name: '6', northeast: 'Baran', central: 'ddd', west: '3' },
onTreeExpandChange={(row, rows) => {
    if (rows) {
    // Implement logic to change the backgroundColor of cell 2 & 3
parentChildData={(row, rows) => rows.find(a => a.id === row.parentId)}
    search: false,
    sorting: true,
    exportButton: true,
    paging: false,

Any suggestions on how to achieve this styling customization?

Thank you!

Answer №1

To style rows in a React component, you can utilize the options property and maintain a state that tracks row ids as you drill down.

Here is an example:

  rowStyle: rowData => ({
    backgroundColor: (this.state.expandedRow && this.state.expandedRow.indexOf(rowData.id) != -1) ? '#FF0' : '#FFF'

You will also need to have an array like this.state.expandedRow in your state where you store row ids during the onTreeExpandChange event.

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