Styling child elements in Angular using css from its parent element

I have a question:

Regarding the structure below


Now I want to apply some CSS styles to

, but from the perspective of

How can I achieve this? My attempted approach is as follows:

first-child > * > third-child {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;

What am I missing or doing incorrectly?

Answer №1

Have you considered where to add the CSS code - in the component or master stylesheet? It may be more effective to include it in the project's master style sheet.

If > * > isn't working, it could be due to the complexity of your DOM structure once the app is rendered. Inspecting the browser would provide more insight. Have you tried using:

first-child third-child

While Angular components are typically encapsulated, using this type of CSS might not align with Angular's design principles. Consider incorporating a parameter on the third-child element to specify a mode instead:

      <third-child mode="nested"></third-child>

Then, determine the styling based on the variable.

Alternatively, targeting elements in the view rather than tag names could be a more CSS-centric approach. For instance, within the view of third-child:

<div class="third-child">
   ... component body here

(repeat for other components) and apply CSS like so:

.first-child .third-child {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;

Consider adjusting the ViewEncapsulation settings, such as setting it to none across all components:

  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None

You can then gradually remove this setting through trial and error until finding the minimum number of components that need it. This approach is useful when dealing with unchangeable third-party components nested within your own, with no known adverse effects in my projects.

Answer №2

When styling child components in Angular, remember to use ::ng-deep within the component-parent.scss

:host ::ng-deep {
 // Implement styles here that will apply to all child components.
 // Using `:host` ensures these styles only affect elements within the parent component.

Answer №3

Include class name in third class file

<div class="third-class">

Add custom styles to the parent component's stylesheet

   display: flex;
   flex-direction: row;

Import the parent component's stylesheet into the third-class component's stylesheet

//inside third-class.component.scss
// Include correct path. This is just an example
@import "./component-parent/component-parent.component.scss"

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