Looking for a Search Field that clears default text when focused - Compatible with Firefox 3.6?

I have attempted various jQuery and JavaScript solutions found on this page:

How to clear text field on focus of text field

Surprisingly, all of the solutions work except for FF 3.6. So, I am wondering, What alternative can I use to make this feature compatible with FF 3.6 and similar older browsers?

My goal is to have a styled default text in the search field that disappears when clicked inside, and reappears when clicked outside - just like modern implementations.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Update: I tried the provided JavaScript code which initially worked in FF 3.6 but failed to bring back the default text after clicking inside and outside the field. Even after refreshing and clearing cache, the default text did not reappear.

<title>Clear Form Demo</title>

<script language="javascript">
function ClearForm() {
  document.testform.email.value= "";




<form name="testform">
    <input type="text" name="email" value="Something here." onfocus="ClearForm();">

Answer №1

Although my initial thought was to mention the CSS3 feature, unfortunately, it's not compatible with Safari 4 either. You can find a helpful workaround using JavaScript for various browsers in this resource. Feel free to give it a try!

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