Centering <th> elements is key for achieving a visually appealing print layout

Is there a way to center align the header and body of a table when printing it? I am using datatable.

Here is how it currently looks:

Check out this screenshot

I have tried adding classes to the th tags in the HTML table, but they still appear aligned to the left when printed.

This is what I attempted:

I included a class in the table:

    className: "dt-head-center"

Then, I styled the class like this:

.dt-head-center {
text-align: center;

Unfortunately, this approach did not work. Can someone please help me fix this issue?

Answer №1

Resolved By utilizing customization.

customize: function (window) {
                $(window.document.body).find('table').addClass('display').css('font-size', '9px');
                $(window.document.body).find('tr:nth-child(odd) td').each(function(i){

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