What is the best way to have my sliding panel automatically close when I click outside of it?

I have created a sleek sliding navigation panel for my website that appears when the screen width is reduced. Although I am satisfied with how it functions currently, I would like the panel to close when the user clicks/taps outside of it. What adjustments should I make to my jQuery script in order to achieve this? (I consider myself a beginner when it comes to jQuery)


Here is the jQuery code snippet:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $panel = $("#panel");
    $tab = $("#tab");
    $menu_icon = $("#menu_icon");

    $tab.mousedown(function() {
        var currentPanelPosition = $panel.css("left");
        var newPanelPosition;

        if (currentPanelPosition === "0px") {
            newPanelPosition = "-200px";
            $menu_icon.css("background-position-y", "0px");
        } else {
            newPanelPosition = "0px";
            $menu_icon.css("background-position-y", "-40px");

        $panel.animate({"left" : newPanelPosition}, 400, "easeOutExpo");

Answer №1

To make your header and paragraphs more interactive, consider grouping them in a div element that triggers the menu to close when clicked.

<div id="wrapper">
    <div id="panel">...</div>
    <div id="content">

In your JavaScript code, you can include:

    if (currentPanelPosition === "0px") {

Consider using 'click' instead of 'mousedown' for better user experience.

Answer №2

To implement this functionality, simply attach a click listener to your wrapper element.

$('#wrapper').on('click', function(e){
    $('#panel').animate({"left": "-200px"}, 400, "easeOutExpo");

One potential issue to be aware of is that the panel is nested within the wrapper div, so clicking anywhere inside the panel will also trigger the panel to close.

To address this, consider moving the panel div outside of the wrapper, or follow the suggestion from 'jdehlin' by organizing your content into a separate div and attaching the click listener to that instead.

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